All I have ever heard, and especially on Facebook, is "Obama sucks, obamacare sucks, and all liberals are unchristian pigs." All this one-sided criticism against the political party that gained the majority of votes in the last not just one, but TWO elections, and such an astounding lack of diversity of opinion makes me really want to be a liberal, if for no other reason than simply to remind people that the world is not just us good guys vs. them bad guys, not just black and white but there are actual COLORS. Diversity of opinion is a great thing. I know we're all very unique people so I don't understand why it seems so much like everyone and their dog is a white homophobic republican Mormon ... and you might say okay, why is that a bad thing, we stick up for our beliefs, but think for a minute if you lived in a place other than Utah where Mormons are a minority. How would you want other people to treat you? You'd want them to treat you, before all, with love and respect. It seems like what Mormons preach first and foremost is that the Church is true. It turns out that there are a lot of other churches that also believe they're the true Church of Jesus Christ -- but how did Jesus say that all men would know we're His disciples? Did he say "it's the group that says the most often that they're the true Church" ?? Obviously not - he said "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples - if ye have LOVE one to another."
Of course our beliefs are important. But in our hurry to make sure that everyone around us knows that we reject homosexualism and smoking and other practices, we often unlovingly reject the PEOPLE that do those practices and I'm sure when we do that, they don't feel the love of God through us. And how are they supposed to recognize the truth and feel the Spirit and have a desire to change their lifestyles if they feel threatened or attacked by the very people bearing the message?
All I'm asking is for everyone to please first and foremost LOVE THE SINNER and only after that is done, hate the sin.
I just noticed that this rant kind of changed topics in the middle there from politics to loving sinners. If you're interested in reading about the flipside to what everyone is always sharing on Facebook, please check out some of the following links:
Obamacare explained --
Food stamps explained --
Why a Mormon might not be opposed to civil unions for gays --
Thank you for your time and consideration if you've made it this far. If I've angered you, please count to 10 slowly and then feel free to rant in the comments.
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